Thursday 5 June 2014

Farewell, everyone.

Hey guys!

Just to let you all know, we're no longer going to be posting on here.

This blog will be deleted on Monday evening GMT. To find the link to the YouTube video and the PDF file for A year of ACNL, check here. Thank you ♥

I'm really sorry to say this but it's too much stress for Andy and I to carry on this blog. We need time to ourselves, and no matter what, Andy comes before absolutely anything. I care more about him than any single thing in the world, and he stays up especially to write posts for you guys. It's affecting his health and I can't have him affected by this. Andy and I are becoming too busy as we grow up, and we no longer have the time to carry on posting. 

As much as we will both miss you all, this just isn't something I can carry on with any longer, I'm sorry to say. This has been a massive part of my life for nearly a year now, and it's just time to move on from blogging.

I would like to say a massive thank you to Jeff for all of his support when I first started my blog, you are an amazing person and I can't thank you enough for everything you did for Andy and I. I honestly do not know where I would be without Andy, and I certainly wouldn't be the person I am today.

I have to direct you to and I BEG you to follow his blog. The amount of work he puts into that is clearly astonishing, and I really wouldn't be able to do it myself.

If you would like to contact me, my old website will stay open as an acnl chatroom, which I will continue to check daily. Also, we have our personal tumblr and our personal instagram. You can also contact and follow me on the Bell Tree Forums, along with Andy. My Miiverse is here and Andy's is here.

Other lovely acnl blogs are-

Thanks for everyone's support, we'll really miss you. This is Andy and Beth, saying thanks for everything, we will miss you.

Mayor Beth of Appleby and Mayor Andy of A-Ville
DC 7200-2217-6467 and 4000-3889-5324


  1. Aww...
    I still hope I can visit you though...
    Please start turning ur bff on more so I can talk to you xD
    I wouldn't be the girl I am today without this blog, guys!
    I will miss this so much!

    1. Sorry I took so to reply! I wouldn't be the girl I am today without it either! I'm glad this has been such a big part of even just a few peoples lives, I'm happy you're taking over this blog! :D You'll do such a great job of it! <3 Also my BFF is off a lot because I have a lot of annoying people from forums on there lol

  2. Aww, I just discovered your blog for the first time, in time to find your farewell message and that you included my blog in the end of it T_T Thank you and all the best with your other AC projects and everything beyond.

    1. Awww I'm glad it's going to be carried on by my friends! I love your blog it's so cute :3 Thank you for your sweet comment and good luck with yours and everything too! ^^


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