Sunday 6 July 2014

July 6th (Ethan)

I am Ethan, here's my first ever post, enjoy!

Well this is a first isn't it, me being able to write for such a great blog. Ever since new leaf came out I have being reading JVGS Jeff's blog and then introduced to this excellent blog! I have made so many good friends here and have enjoyed talking about the game... So lets begin my first ever post!

Well I turned on my game a few days back and to my horror Fauna was moving!!!!

I don't have the picture of her moving myself but this is what Fauna looks like...ignore the fact she has a Ninja Sword...

but luckily Summer from Tigers was there to hold her for me, special thanks to Summer and Gia!

after that Tangy said she and Gia are destined best friends, what about me Tangy! oh wait we already are best friends... *Forget that last part.

After that I decided, even though Goldie was one of my dream villagers, I should try to make her move out as her house is placed on the welcome back Kiki display in my town. So what did I do... I went to startle her. (Yeah I'm a wimp, what can I say I love dogs!)
 #ThoseEyesThough #Creepy #I'mGoingToStopPuttingHashtagsNow

I renovated my town, adding new PWP's, Flower Hybrids and paths, if you would like to visit my town here is my dream address: 7500-2158-2503 :)
I have a very pretty town if I do say so myself.

And on a completely unrelated note to Animal Crossing, here is Christina Aguilera marrying Zoidberg off Futurama.

So that's my first post, sorry I don't have many pictures and the fact that it is short... I still can't open my 3DS picture files correctly... anyway I hope I have made a good impression towards you all! 

If you would like to see some more of my AC:NL and Tomodachi Life adventures I highly suggest you visit this link and follow me for details, info and posts, thank you for reading! My Miiverse page link: Ethan's Miiverse Page!


  1. You forgot Tangy and I ARE bffs! We live in the same town... And my villagers and everyone else are spreading rumors that Im a fashionista! I kinda like it tho :)
    You are wrong. Tangy is my bff.-Gia

  2. Congrats on the marriage xD Thanks for the great post Ethan!


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