Tuesday 11 March 2014

11th March 2014 (Naomi)

So hi again! Welcome to the new blog ^w^, and today, i'm actually going to talk about my gameplay! I didn't do too much due to homework, but here you go anyway

Kid Cat asked to move, of which I declined. He can never leave me, if he does, i'll track him down and kill whoever was taking him captive.

I met DJ KK in the cafe... it seemed he knew what I really was...
Is this the face of a stalker? Will he end up on a wanted poster?
I talked to Bones, completely forgetting the greeting I gave him. It's so funny ^w^

I visited Ankha in Appleby, where she seems to be getting on well without me... But don't worry Ankha, I only have to cycle through 9 more!
I went on TBT (The Bell Tree Forums) and found a Shep giveaway. I instantly replied and got Shep, who looks to be in original condition back!

The next day (in-game wise (I'm cycling))
Cole was in the camp. I don't care much for Cole, his mouth kinda creeps me out. I'm just glad it wasn't Stitches or Marshal!
Shep landed in the not-so-perfect area, but no worries (you'll find out later)
I updated my dream address, but the counter reset (when I last checked 3 months ago, I had 50+) 
And last but not least, checked Gracie Grace, and bought this hairpin with the money Luna gave me.

Anyway, about Shep. I'm not too bothered as I have convinced my mum, that on my birthday, if I have enough money, I can buy a second copy of ACNL!
Everything will be transferred over when (and if) I get the copy.

Well, I have decided that at the end of each post, I will put a link to an AC Creepy-pasta
Definition for those that don't know:
Creepy stories that float around on the Interwebs.

This is one based on AC- Population: Growing! AKA: AC, AKA: AC Gamecube, AKA: AKA
Its called Rosie, (not based on the villager) and is about this girl who controls another persons AC life, and life as a whole. Now I don't want to spoil too much, so watch the video ^w^
Please tell me what you think of this new addition, and whether or not i should continue with it.

Anyway, that's it for now. Until next time, Bye!


  1. Great post hon! Like the idea of a creepy pasta, not sure if I'm brave enough to watch it though XD

  2. Congrats on getting Shep, but sorry that his house was on top of your flowers and path :( I hope you can get the second ACNL game, so that you can transfer your data! I'm not sure about what happened at the Dream Suite, but the number will increase over time! The addition of creepypasta is pretty cool, so feel free to continue with it. See you next time!


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