Wednesday 19 March 2014

19th March 2014 (Andy)

Welcome to another post about A-Ville!

Since last time, I time traveled Annalisa out so that I could pick up Freya from Beth.

I first saw Freya on the cover of K.K. Tango. She made quite an impression on me, and became one of my dreamies. Thanks for holding her for me, Beth! I love you! <333 XOX ♥♥♥

While I was at Beth's town, we attended the fishing tourney awards ceremony together. Congrats on winning, Willow!

Freya's house plot showed up the day after, right above Lucha's house. It's not an ideal location, but it'll have to do.

Also, the 17th was Shamrock Day!

Upon opening my mailbox, I found 2 letters. One was from Annalisa, and the other one was from Boomer. Annalisa said farewell to me and sent me another picture of her.

Boomer thanked me for giving him medicine when he was sick. He gave me a blue diamond shirt, which I decided to wear.

Freya moved in, and when I entered her house, she was asleep. Moving must have been a tedious process for her. I woke her up and introduced myself, and she thanked me for giving her the advice to move here :)

I went to the event plaza, and took a picture behind the cut-out board.

Isabelle gave me a shamrock hat to celebrate Shamrock Day!

This is what it looks like. I'm all dressed up in green!

I visited the police station soon after. There happened to be a sprinkler in the lost and found. Did Lucha lose his?

I checked his house, and he still had his. So the sprinkler in the lost and found must belong to Twiggy...but how did it get here in my town? Has Twiggy secretly been visiting Lucha?

In Re-Tail, Nibbles bought an air conditioner for her house. She knows the cold temperatures from winter are about over!

Later, T-Bone asked me to get signatures for his petition "Finding My Keys". I went to Appleby and got the 6 villagers listed above to sign. Thanks for the visit, Beth! <33333 XOXOXO ♥♥♥♥

When I returned the petition form to T-Bone, he gave me a flying saucer as a reward! How did he fit that in his pocket??

Lastly, I went to Main Street to get my fortune told and to update my dream town.

My total visitor amount raised to 4. Here's my Dream Address if you wish to visit: 4000-3743-4687.

Thanks for reading my blog post! Also check out Beth's and Naomi's blog posts, they are really good! Until next time, bye for now!


  1. "Has Twiggy secretly been visiting Lucha?"
    OMG I LOVE YOU. Naughty Andy, thinking about the exact same as me.............
    Thanks for another great blog post baby! I love everything you write <333333333333333
    XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ -Beth

    1. Lol i know...ACNL villagers are naughty XD I LOVE YOU TOO BABY! Thanks for the comment, I love everything you write too! <333333333333333 XOXOXOXOXOOXOXOX ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


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