Wednesday, 30 April 2014

30th April 2014 (Naomi)

First, thought I'd say i did a mini cover of the ACCF on the piano. If you want to watch it, click here.
Beth came to collect Fushsia

And I still had a bedhead :(

I managed to fix my hair by going to Gracie's...

Then Diana was collected by Beth

Uh... you're still here?

Aww, Digby, Y U SO CUTE

I went on TBT and participated in a 60 second run thing... I actually got some good stuff :3


Uhh.. Wow?

Beth came to pick Beau up...

And i had a talk session with everyone in Baker St

This is my Sherlock house :3 I realized i'd never posted it before now

A few pieces are missing, but they will be added later :3


Applaud your master!

Sowwy Goldie :(

Yup... still a talk session...

Being Tuesday in my town, Kid Cat insisted on

Is it just me or is Lolly's house extremely empty?


I like to buy things ;0;

Last but not least, Beau was in boxes, and collected by the robber...

I hope you enjoyed today's post, and I hope you enjoy Beth and Andy's posts :3
But, before I go, I got you Bones Andy :3

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

29th April 2014 (Andy)

Hi all! I'm back for another A-Ville update!

My darling Beth came over to drop off some flowers and help me clean my town! Thanks for the AMAZING visit and EVERYTHING you do for me, Beth! I LOVE YOU<333333333XOXOXOXOX♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

I now have more lovely flowers in town, thanks to Beth<333333333XOXOXOXOX♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

While we were cleaning the town, Beth dug up a time capsule. It said something along the lines of "probably belongs to someone in town, so best to rebury it." I dug it up after she reburied it, and found out it belonged to Whitney. Thanks for the wonderful visit, Beth darling, ILU<333333333XOXOXOXOX♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

After the lovely visit<3, I saw Saharah in front of my house. I paid 3,000 bells to get a new flooring and wallpaper.

I was surprised by this, because Saharah put in an imperial tile and tree-lined wall, which were the EXACT SAME flooring and wallpaper she put in on the 10th of March! What are the chances of that?!

Then I went to the police station, which had 3 pieces of furniture in the lost and found. They were the billiard table, freezer, and country guitar.

Cookie wanted me to buy a ranch hut for a very ridiculous price. Ranch huts normally cost 2,560 bells, and she even said "heh" when she asked me to buy it, so maybe she is guilty of something after wonder she gets nervous around the police station!

I gave the time capsule to Whitney, and she gave me the item she put in it.

I momentarily visited Kevin's house to see what it looked like, since I've never seen it before, and there were TWO cupid benches in there! I thought he was a jock, so wouldn't he like sports-related things? 0-0

That's all for today, check back soon for a new post! Thanks for reading, see you next time!

Monday, 28 April 2014

My Wifi Rules (Naomi)

Due to recent occurrences (sorry Ethan!) I have decided on a few wifi rules to prevent another situation similar (glitches 'nd stuff)
1: Don't come into my town unless invited-
If I publicly announce I am opening my gate, then you're welcome to join
2: Check WHO is in my town-
If it's someone you don't recognise, or just Beth, we are probably doing something
3: If I do end the session on you, don't feel bad-
It's probably just glitching

Just some other rules (but they're kinda obvious)
4: Don't steal (duh)
5: Don't shake trees
6: Try not to run and try to stick to paths

And a temporary one: Clear your wifi pool before coming to my town :3

These rules only apply to my town, for Beth and Andy's towns, it's best to ask them.

Anyway, sorry again Ethan! I'll try to look out for a dreamie of yours as a sorry!

27th April 2014 (Naomi (Beth))


Just an apology for Naomi not being able to post yesterday, she will be doing a massive post in a couple of days!

Enjoy all of our posts ^^

Mayor Beth of Appleby 
DC 7200-2217-6467

April 28th 2014 (Beth)

Hi people! Welcome to Appleby! Joke, but here's some pics XD

 The other night, I opened my gate for wifi night. Gia, Andy and Naomi came to play! Thank you for coming guys, and for EVERYTHING, Andy XOXOXOXOX<3333333333♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

 First #Appleby pic of this post (be prepared, there's more!)

 Gia washed her hair in the river XD

 Saturday meant Weeding Day for Europe and Oceania. It took all of five minutes to complete the event. It must be the shortest event in acnl!

My darling Andy came over to collect some flowers!!! I LOVE YOU ANDY, thanks for all of our WONDERFUL visits XOXOXOXOX <33333333333 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

I totally didn't play April Fools Day.


Sorry this was just SO CUTE!!! Not as cute as Andy though! XOXOXOXOX <33333333333 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


Kody flower!


I was cycling, and got the topiaries!


I went to Naomi's town to collect Fushcia, and met Diana, Erik and Bruce, who are all for me! THANK YOU SO MUCH NAOMI!!!!! :3

 Gia came over the other night, and shouted DADDEH as soon as she arrived. She meant Andy, and if you're confused, we were playing moms and dads XD 

 Daddy arrived soon after, my husband! XOXOXOXOX <33333333333 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Naomi (the family cat) came, who totally didn't have a bedhead.

 Andy and I, in love! XOXOXOXOX <333333333333 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

 Maple asked for a peach. I gave her a perfect one, because I'm holding her, which means I treat her better than my own dreamies XD

#Appleby..fed up yet?



 I built an outdoor chair, which will be moved. 

 I buried a time capsule for Dierdre.

 Hamlet moved in!

 I thought I'd show you this, which is how many hours of acnl I've played (too many!), and my 3ds! (Ignore the wrong time on my 3DS please)

Before I go, just saying, I won't be having wifi night, due to THE MOST ANNOYING DOG IN THE WORLD living next door to me (I live in a semi detached house), and giving me a headache.

Mayor Beth of Appleby 
DC 7200-2217-6467