Monday 28 April 2014

April 28th 2014 (Beth)

Hi people! Welcome to Appleby! Joke, but here's some pics XD

 The other night, I opened my gate for wifi night. Gia, Andy and Naomi came to play! Thank you for coming guys, and for EVERYTHING, Andy XOXOXOXOX<3333333333♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

 First #Appleby pic of this post (be prepared, there's more!)

 Gia washed her hair in the river XD

 Saturday meant Weeding Day for Europe and Oceania. It took all of five minutes to complete the event. It must be the shortest event in acnl!

My darling Andy came over to collect some flowers!!! I LOVE YOU ANDY, thanks for all of our WONDERFUL visits XOXOXOXOX <33333333333 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

I totally didn't play April Fools Day.


Sorry this was just SO CUTE!!! Not as cute as Andy though! XOXOXOXOX <33333333333 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


Kody flower!


I was cycling, and got the topiaries!


I went to Naomi's town to collect Fushcia, and met Diana, Erik and Bruce, who are all for me! THANK YOU SO MUCH NAOMI!!!!! :3

 Gia came over the other night, and shouted DADDEH as soon as she arrived. She meant Andy, and if you're confused, we were playing moms and dads XD 

 Daddy arrived soon after, my husband! XOXOXOXOX <33333333333 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Naomi (the family cat) came, who totally didn't have a bedhead.

 Andy and I, in love! XOXOXOXOX <333333333333 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

 Maple asked for a peach. I gave her a perfect one, because I'm holding her, which means I treat her better than my own dreamies XD

#Appleby..fed up yet?



 I built an outdoor chair, which will be moved. 

 I buried a time capsule for Dierdre.

 Hamlet moved in!

 I thought I'd show you this, which is how many hours of acnl I've played (too many!), and my 3ds! (Ignore the wrong time on my 3DS please)

Before I go, just saying, I won't be having wifi night, due to THE MOST ANNOYING DOG IN THE WORLD living next door to me (I live in a semi detached house), and giving me a headache.

Mayor Beth of Appleby 
DC 7200-2217-6467


  1. Why did you and Naomi kick me out of her town without even saying anything not even a "Hi" or a really upset me :-(

    1. You came?! What?! I'm really confused :S

    2. I saw a load of items by the entrance then a message came up saying its time to go home when I arrived.

    3. Are you sure you came because I just gave Beth Diana and I instantly ended afterwards?! Neither of us noticed you came :L -Naomi

    4. I'm positive!

    5. It must have been glitched because we definitely didn't see you show up :/ -Beth and Naomi

    6. I swear I did though.

    7. Maybe Naomi pressed end at the same time as you came in and it just glitched? I went offline soon after Naomi ended and I planted two roses. Neither of us saw you come, sorry. Must have been a massive glitch :L -Beth

    8. Ok at least I know it wasn't deliberate and you know my ACNL birthday party on Friday it's been put off due to me being at school and having other plans after so I'm sorry to everyone that thought they were gonna come.

    9. Trust me we wouldn't end on purpose! Oh okay :( -Beth

  2. Wifi night was very fun, darling Beth! Thanks for EVERYTHING, I LOVE YOU<333333333 I love all the #Appleby pictures, they're all so pretty, just like you, darling!<333333333 Thanks for all the visits we have, they are all WONDERFUL, lover! Thanks for the flowers you gave me, darling<333333333 Lol, those jokes can be pretty convincing on April Fools Day xD You're the cutest girl in existence!!!<333333333 LOL a Kody flower XD Congrats on the topiaries and all the deer that Naomi is getting for you! Thanks to Naomi for that :D I can't wait to marry for real, future wife!!!<333333333 I love that picture of us in the illuminated heart! I LOVE YOU<333333333 MEOW, CATS! :3 I love the new PWP's in your town<333333333 Wow, that's a lot of hours playing xD I hope that dog stops barking soon...BAD DOG! I can't wait for the next wifi night, see you ALWAYS my ETERNAL soulmate!!!<333333333XOXOXOXOX♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

    1. I love EVERY time I see you, darling Andy <3333333 Thank you for EVERYTHING you do, I LOVE YOU!!! <33333333333 I love EVERY SINGLE THING you do ♥♥♥♥ Thank you for all of the visits we have and wonderful things we do together <33333333 Ikr XD You're the cutest being in existence! <33333333333 Villagers walking through flowers are so funny sometimes XD Thank you sweetheart! Thank you Naomi!! I can't wait to marry you for real, future husband!!!! <33333333333333 MEOW, CATS AND KITTENS! :3333 I love EVERYTHING in your town <33333333 I know XD that dog is seriously a bad dog XD I can't wait for every day because I get to talk to you! I LOVE YOU, see you ALWAYS, my ETERNAL soulmate!!!!! <333333333333 XOXOXOXOX ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

      Gia :-s

    3. Of course you will be able too! I only meant no wifi night last night hon :3 -Beth <3

    4. Oh yay!!!
      Im still keeping my spot open for her! HURRY UP SATURDAY!


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